Find a Quiet Place - A Walk with the Soul
'The simple meaning of life came from the mother.
Any mother either human, animal or plant.'
Photograph and text by Ahmed Ghazy in response to a final task suggested by Anton Mirto following the third of the online workshops:
'Find a quiet place.
Maybe close your eyes.
Gently follow your breathing.
Be still / find stillness somewhere deep inside.
Welcome / greet your soul in whatever way you like.
How does your soul respond to your reaching out to it?
Perhaps begin writing a dialogue.
You might start by saying how you feel, what’s on your mind, or asking a question.
When you’ve expressed yourself, let your soul respond… ..
Then, go somewhere in the city (safely) & take two photographs that can express anything that may, or may not, come out of this dialogue' (Anton Mirto).